I Love You Donut Bouquet
I Love You Donut Bouquet
I Love You Donut Bouquet
I Love You Donut Bouquet
I Love You Donut Bouquet

I Love You Donut Bouquet

Sweeten up their Valentine's Day with the ULTIMATE bouquet! Featuring Featuring and assortment of 8 (medium) or 12 (large) donuts, perfectly paired with a mix of red chocolates and lollies for an extra touch of love.

More Details

For optimal freshness, enjoy your donuts within 24 hours. Store them in an airtight container in a cool room. Leftovers can be frozen for later.

Hot tip - Warm up your donuts in the microwave for 8 seconds for the ultimate experience!

We aim to recreate each box as closely as possible to the picture. In the event a product is unavailable, we'll substitute it with a product of similar quality.

Contains nuts.


Medium Boxes:


Large Boxes:


Size: Medium
Product Price
Regular price $75.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 AUD
Tax included.

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